Visualize SQL to ER diagram

A way to draw your SQL queries as ER diagrams: a powerful tool for complex query visualization.

A way to draw your SQL queries as ER diagrams: a powerful tool for complex query visualization.

Poom Wettayakorn

Jan 25, 2024

Jan 25, 2024


👋 Hi there, welcome to Datascale: SQL+Data modeling. We help create database diagrams and map out data models from existing schema and SQL queries 🌱. Find us on LinkedIn 🎉

SQL to ER Diagram

We present the way to draw your SQL queries as ER diagrams: a powerful tool for complex query understanding as well as creating database diagram from DDL/SQL!

Why is this a game-changer?

  • Save time: No more manual diagramming! Generate accurate ER diagrams in seconds.

  • Understand someone else's code 😄: See join relationships clearly and easily.

  • Communicate your database schema: Share your ER diagrams with co-workers, ensuing everyone is on the same page.

How it works

We develop an algorithm to parse your SQL query and identify the tables, columns, and relationships involved. It then uses this information to automatically generate an ER diagram that is accurate and easy to understand.

    orders.order_id AS order_id,
FROM customers
LEFT JOIN orders
    ON customers.customer_id = orders.customer_id
LEFT JOIN shipments
    ON orders.order_id = shipments.order_id
WHERE orders.order_date >= "2024-01-25"

Ready to try it out?

Ever stare at a mess of SQL, squinting to understand how your data is actually connected? You're not alone.

See Datascale in action here: // simply login in with Google

This tool is for anyone who speaks SQL:

if you deal with lots of data, this tool might be your new Copilot.


Hope this helps!

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