✨ Data catalog

From Saved Queries to Data Usage Context

From Saved Queries to Data Usage Context

Get a clear understanding of datasets and usage context by analyzing metadata from your queries

Extract tables metadata with
AI data dictionary

From SQL to metadata, including: column name, data type, automated description, example values, and references (e.g., from this SQL, we'll know that order_items:id and inventory_items:product_id are joined)

Gain table usage insights from
your SQL queries

This will provide your team with: table use cases and documentation, example queries, frequently used columns, columns relations — and more.

Let's create your team's
metadata system

Automated metadata management with AI-powered SQL analysis. From SQL queries to catalog & modeling.

Let's create your team's
metadata system

Automated metadata management with AI-powered SQL analysis. From SQL queries to catalog & modeling.

Let's create your team's
metadata system

Automated metadata management with AI-powered SQL analysis. From SQL queries to catalog & modeling.

Data Modeling for SQL

Data Modeling for SQL

Data Modeling for SQL